Your Number 1 Financial Goal for 2022

This week I want to talk about a fundamental aspect of a financial plan that, if you don't already have one, should be your number 1 financial goal for this coming year. I'm talking about an emergency fund! It's a simple concept but it is something that is often overlooked or misunderstood, and in today's episode I explain exactly what it is, the type of account you need and how much you should have.

I also discuss the importance of setting financial goals and how to set yourself up to hit them int 2022!

If you want more info, as always you can find it at

Jason Mountford

Jason is a specialist finance writer, financial commentator and the Founder of Hedge. He has over 15 years experience in finance and wealth management, working in a range of different businesses from boutique advisories to Fortune 500 companies. Jason’s work has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Barron’s, US News & World, FT Adviser, Bloomberg, Investors Chronicle, MarketWatch, Nasdaq and more.


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